Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to log your spoken word program

Every program that airs on CJSF has to have a log sheet. (Keeping this information well means keeping our broadcast licence.)

Please fill out a logsheet and send along with every pre-recorded show you send in or leave for CJSF to air. If your program is a repeat, you can just give the date and time that was on your previous logsheet - assuming it was accurate and complete.

Here is the info CJSF needs:

A. A brief description of the program content (could be just a topic and guest list). Include the language, if non-English.

B. Host/producer name

C. Time of any Station I.D.'s that are in the show (time from the beginning of the audio file you sent).

One legal station i.d. is required around the beginning of each hour. To be legal it has to include the call letters, the frequency, and the city of origin: CJSF 90.1 FM Burnaby.

If you don't have a station i.d. inside the pre-recorded show, be sure your show doesn't fill up the whole hour or half-hour, so one can be added. Leave at least 30 seconds for the i.d.

If you're using pre-recorded I.D.'s, give the CJSF PSA ID number. If you announce them yourself, just write "voice".
[If there's no Station ID. at the start of your show, please make sure the show you turn in is not more than 29 and a half or 59-1/2 minutes long.]

D. If you use pre-recorded PSAs, also give the time and PSA number. (If you read or say the PSA yourself, don't have to log.)

E. Music info (for any music you play for more than 5 seconds): (1) performer or band name, (2) song name, (3) check if Canadian Content, (4) track number if from a CD or record, (5) playlist number or library number if from CJSF music library.

F. Expiration Date - if any (for example, if the show plugs a coming event, when that information will be too old to air).

For a digital copy of the logsheet that you can fill in, email cjsprog@sfu.ca or cjsfpa@sfu.ca.

If you want help reviewing log sheet techniques, ask me or Sarah Buchanan.

The requirements for live shows are the same, except that you put actual times, and that you must put the name and phone number of anyone you interview live over the phone.

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