Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New and Renewed Memberships

CJSF Active Membership entitles you to vote in station Board of Directors elections. You also receive a Buddy Card (merchant discount card - nice!). Active membership is a pre-requisite to stand for office as well.

Active members have a minimum number of volunteer hours to perform - many of you have already met this requirement. Community members (those who are not SFU students) now pay a small annual fee that matches the per-student contribution to CJSF.

Be a full member, and be recognized as a supporting member of the CJSF community. Contact Frieda cjsfpa@sfu.ca or Magnus cjsfmgr@sfu.ca to get registered, today.

Easy Introduction to Audacity

Gavin, CJSF's Production Coordinator, has created a very basic introduction to the free, downloadable, open-source audio editing program Audacity. Email: cjsfprod@sfu.ca