Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ripping audio from YouTube

I haven't tried this. If anyone has, please add a comment about the success of it - looks like a useful utility for radio.

CBC Journalistic Policies link

Hey everyone,

There was some interest around the fire at the NCRC in taking a look at the CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices guide. I have a hard copy at home and I find it incredibly valuable for ethical decisions and general journalistic policy. There is some important advice on things like Freedom for Information requests, protecting the privacy of sources, interview consent, your legal rights as a journalist or interviewee, etc. Please note that much of this is CBC policy and not law - your station may have a different perspective on certain things.

Anyway, it's all online here:

Much of this is CBC-oriented and not always relevant to our sector, but I have found section IV on Information Gathering quite useful when giving guidance to new spoken-word programmers looking for concise advice on these topics. Phrases like "The interviewer should inform the interviewee before the interview about the purpose for which it will be used" may seem self-evident, but are sometimes disregarded in my experience.

It would be great to someday compile a similar document for our sector, without having to weed through the CBC-only stuff. Or perhaps there is a similar document, and I just don't know about it?

Perhaps we should add something in there about writing long work-related emails on a Sunday while it's sunny outside. Arrrrrgh.

Happy NCRC recovery, to all that were there!

Sarah Buchanan
Program Coordinator, CJSF Radio

(p) 778-782.4423

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