Saturday, April 26, 2008

PSAs in a Documentary?

Q: In the on-air training tape, I was required to include PSAs. Do I need to include PSAs in my documentary program I'm planning?

A: You don't want to put PSAs or station i.d.s actually inside your documentary, because chances are it may air again at different times and, if you offer it, potentially on other campus-community stations. In order to leave room for a PSA and a station break, it's best to keep the length of a halfhour piece not over 29 minutes, or of an hour piece not over 59 minutes (28 minutes or 58 minutes would be even better, and anything over 29'30" or 59'30" is too long).

If your piece turns out to be an odd length, for example 15 minutes, it can air inside a longer show and that show would be responsible for the PSAs.

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