Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Deleting helper files after an edit

Whenever you edit with SoundForge or Audacity, there are helper files created during the process, which are no longer needed when your piece is finished. Some of these files are even larger than your finished piece; they clog up the hard drives, and someone has to remove them.

When you finish your Audacity edit, please Export the file as an mp3 or wav file - then delete all the .au files that are associated with the filename you used during your edit.

Similarly, with SoundForge, your product will be an mp3 or wav. The helper files will have the same title you used during the edit, but will end in .sfk or other .sf endings.

Because there is often emergency need for more space on local hard drives and on the server, any helper files more than a month old are likely to be deleted by others.

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