Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Audacity Leveler to reduce background noise

Leveler is the compressor-limiter function of the free and open-source audio editing software Audacity.

A secondary feature of Leveler called Noise Threshold is extremely useful in reducing background noise.  You can fool Leveler into subtracting most of your background noise by first using Amplify to set the volume of your audio to a new peak amplitude of about -20 dB.  Then set Leveler to Light, and the Noise Threshold to -20 dB.  When you click OK, Leveler automatically deletes the softest sounds, such as background hum.  Then you can use Amplify to raise the volume again – the sounds that have been deleted will not come back.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Clip fix! in Audacity

Ah-ha!  I've been going through the Audacity online tutorials and manuals to make an instructional manual for CJSF, and I read about a plug-in called Clip Fix.  Tried it and it works! If you overmodulated your audio [that is, it sounds bad because it was recorded too loud], you can make it sound much better with this.  Find it under Effects drop-down menu in the Audacity audio editing software.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Inspiring story about prison radio in UK

It started in one youth facility and became a national policy.